This document contains information on the methods available when working with a RTTicket object. A list of the RT fields that have been tested when creating and editing tickets is included. Because each instance of RT can have custom fields and custom values, some of the tested fields may not be applicable to certain instances of RT. Additionally, your RT instance may contain ticket fields that we have not tested. Custom field names and values can be passed in as keyword arguments when creating and editing tickets, and the RT REST API should be able to process them. See RT’s REST API documentation for more information on custom fields: https://rt-wiki.bestpractical.com/wiki/REST



get_ticket_content(self, ticket_id=None, option='show')

Queries the RT API to get the ticket_content using ticket_id. Calls have different options (‘show’, ‘comment’, ‘attachments’, ‘history’) in dependence of what kind of content is required. The ticket_content is expressed as a dictionary for options ‘show’, ‘attachments’ and ‘history’ and as a list of strings representing lines in returned text for option ‘comment’. The API calling is described in https://rt-wiki.bestpractical.com/wiki/REST#Ticket

t = ticket.get_ticket_content(<ticket_id>, option='attachments')
returned_ticket_content = t.ticket_content


create(self, subject, text, **kwargs)

Creates a ticket. The required parameters for ticket creation are subject and text. Keyword arguments are used for other ticket fields.

t = ticket.create(subject='Ticket subject',
                  text='Ticket text')

The following keyword arguments were tested and accepted by our particular RT instance during ticket creation:

subject='Ticket subject'
text='Ticket text'
admincc=['username@mail.com', 'username2@mail.com']

NOTE: cc and admincc accept a string representing one user’s email address, or a list of strings for multiple users.


edit(self, **kwargs)

Edits fields in a RT ticket. Keyword arguments are used to specify ticket fields.

t = ticket.edit(owner='username@mail.com')

The following keyword arguments were tested and accepted by our particular RT instance during ticket editing:

admincc=['username@mail.com', 'username2@mail.com']

NOTE: cc and admincc accept a string representing one user’s email address, or a list of strings for multiple users.


add_comment(self, comment)

Adds a comment to a RT ticket.

t = ticket.add_comment('Test comment')


change_status(self, status)

Changes status of a RT ticket.

t = ticket.change_status('Resolved')


add_attachment(self, file_name)

Attaches a file to a RT ticket.

t = ticket.add_attachment('filename.txt')


Create RTTicket object

Authenticate through HTTP Basic Authentication:

>>> from ticketutil.rt import RTTicket
>>> ticket = RTTicket(<rt_url>,
                      auth=('username', 'password'))

Authenticate through Kerberos after running kinit:

>>> from ticketutil.rt import RTTicket
>>> ticket = RTTicket(<rt_url>,

You should see the following response:

INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): <rt_url>
INFO:root:Successfully authenticated to RT

You now have a RTTicket object that is associated with the <project_queue> queue.

Some example workflows are found below. Notice that the first step is to create a RTTicket object with a url and project queue (and with a ticket id when working with existing tickets), and the last step is closing the Requests session with t.close_requests_session().

When creating a RT ticket, subject and text are required parameters. Also, the Reporter is automatically filled in as the current kerberos principal.

Note: The tested parameters for the create() and edit() methods are found in the docstrings in the code and in the docs folder. Any other ticket field can be passed in as a keyword argument, but be aware that the value for non-tested fields or custom fields may be in a non-intuitive format. See RT’s REST API documentation for more information: https://rt-wiki.bestpractical.com/wiki/REST

Create and update RT ticket

from ticketutil.rt import RTTicket

# Create a ticket object and pass the url and project queue in as strings.
ticket = RTTicket(<rt_url>,

# Create a ticket and perform some common ticketing operations.
t = ticket.create(subject='Ticket subject',
                  text='Ticket text',
                  admincc=['username@mail.com', 'username2@mail.com'])
t = ticket.add_comment('Test Comment')
t = ticket.edit(priority='4',
t = ticket.add_attachment('file_to_attach.txt')
t = ticket.change_status('Resolved')

# Close Requests session.
t = ticket.close_requests_session()

Update existing RT tickets

from ticketutil.rt import RTTicket

# Create a ticket object and pass the url, project queue, and ticket id in as strings.
ticket = RTTicket(<rt_url>,

# Perform some common ticketing operations.
t = ticket.add_comment('Test Comment')
t = ticket.edit(priority='4',

# Check the ticket content.
t = ticket.get_ticket_id()
returned_ticket_content = t.ticket_content

# Work with a different ticket.
t = ticket.set_ticket_id(<new_ticket_id>)
t = ticket.change_status('Resolved')

# Close Requests session.